Work With Us

 If I am So Smart, Why Can’t I Lose Weight? 

Life can be challenging. Time pressure, work pressure, lack of support, limited resources, and difficult situations all add up to a demanding and relentless workload and high levels of stress. 

You are exhausted by all your commitments and can’t keep up the motivation you need to make permanent weight loss happen. You are stressed, exhausted, and famished after work, and you have not grocery shopped, let alone meal planned for the week!

Overeating is a symptom of your busy life.  Overeating is simply the result of mental and emotional demands that create the over-desire and over-hunger cycle.

We can help you!

Diets don’t work. Less than one percent of dieters lose weight and keep it off.

The Weight Loss Masterclass guides you to manage your mind to achieve and maintain the weight you want. Essentially, you will learn to stop desiring food. But, weight loss is only half the battle. The Weight Loss Masterclass will help you make your life better than food. We don’t make your life better by changing your life, the Masterclass makes your life better by changing your mind.    

How does it work?

In this coaching group, we do our coaching online. This makes getting the help you need easy, no matter how crazy your schedule is.

In the coaching group, you will learn everything you need to know to become a healthy weight. You learn to make simple, pleasurable changes that will result in a healthy weight that you can maintain for the rest of your life.

Let’s get started!

If you are ready to change your life for the better, click below to sign up for the waiting list for my next coaching session.

Get started now!

Not sure if the time is right for you?

We get it! You are wondering how you will ever find the time to keep up with your commitments. You’ll do it once the baby is sleeping through the night or after you finish one more project. Or, you want to will wait until your partner can join you.

The perfect time for coaching is now.

Life is not going to get simpler or easier. You will not suddenly have more time next week or next year. Before you know it, another year or another decade will slip by and you will be exactly where you are now, or possibly heavier. Make this commitment to your mental and physical health now. You will be happier moving forward – fully present and engaged in your life!

Get started now!