You don’t need to go it alone

If I am So Smart, Why Am I Overweight? 

There is a saying that spending one day with a great coach is worth a thousand hours of diligent studying. Certainly, in Helen’s career as an epidemiologist, a CEO and lobbyist, and a professor, she has always relied on mentors and coaches to guide her to achieve the results she wants - whether that is being a good manager, running a health program or securing billions of dollars in funding for health programming in low income countries. As a sports coach, Garth has seen first hand how good coaching is one of the most important components of athletic success. Yet, while we would never throw a group of people on a basketball court and blow the whistle, assuming that they would know what to do, why do we think that we can figure out how to permanently lose weight on your own?

Our hope is that we can guide you on your last weight loss journey!

Why a coach?

More than half of Canadians and Americans are now overweight. This is because our lifestyles and stress levels, mixed with high quantities of low quality foods designed to make us crave more, has resulted in most of us not knowing how to lose the weight. Finding a coach who understands the mental, physical, and nutritional elements of why we overeat is a game changer.

Overeating is a symptom of our busy lives.  

Overeating is simply the result of mental and emotional demands that create the over-desire and over-hunger cycle.


Like most who overeat, people are not taught how to process and manage their feelings, so they escape them with food (or alcohol or Netflix or Facebook or all of the above). Our homes are stocked with treats that provide an emotional reprieve.

Food provides an emotional escape. We are not taught how to feel and process our emotions. Instead of experiencing frustration, stress, and overwhelm, we avoid negative emotions, instead seeking instant gratification with food.  


Over-desire for food comes from our primitive brains. Our brains are wired to crave food. We are motivated to eat to stay alive. When we eat food, we get a dopamine hit. With each dopamine hit, neuronal pathways in our brains are strengthened and we desire more food, and another dopamine hit. When we lived in caves, this is what has kept us foraging and hunting to stay alive. 

But, now, instead of eating a berry, we eat a sugar-filled fruit explosion muffin. Resulting in a dopamine explosion. The signal pathway between the neurons that tells your body that it needs food is now a deeply embedded trench that controls your body’s hormones so that you always feel hungry. 

These hormones increase your cortisol (stress) levels. 

And, each day, you go back to your challenging job, with a brain that desires food and body that is hungry, and an overeating cycle that you have never learned to break. 

How to break the over-desire and over-hunger cycle and lose weight

Diets don’t work. Less than 1% of dieters lose weight and keep it off. 

Our Weight Loss Masterclass guides you to manage your mind to achieve and maintain the weight you want. Essentially, you will learn to stop desiring food. But, weight loss is only half the battle. The Masterclass will help you make your life better than food. We don’t make your life better by changing your life, the Masterclass makes your life better by changing your mind.


What if you weren’t confused about who YOU are?


The Model