A “diet” where we don’t talk about food?

Our clients are all highly successful people. They manage families. Build careers and communities. Volunteer.

But, many of them have spent decades battling weight gain. They’ve lost and gained the same 15 pounds over and over again. We know the journey because Garth did it for 20 years. He did Slim Fast on the advice of his grandma. He tried Isogenics on the advice of a friend. One time, he only ate meat for months (he literally started to smell like a hot dog after a few weeks.) Cross Fit. Old Boys’ Basketball. You name it, he tried it.

And, then he realized that he was focusing on the wrong thing. He lost 70 pounds and kept it off using a completely novel tool - his mind.

Our brains are our most powerful tool. Did we know how to be parents before we had kids. No! But, we figured it out. Did we know how to do the jobs we do when we got hired? For most of us - no, but we worked away at it, made mistakes and got good at it. All of us have set a goal in our life that we have achieved - whether it’s paying off our mortgages by a certain age, learning to fly a plane, getting a degree, or growing a beautiful flower garden. We meet those goals by using our minds to make a plan and then to execute.

There is no one program that works for weight loss. Our bodies are all different. My metabolism is not the same as your metabolism. But, when you learn to use your mind to create a plan, when you learn to listen to your body (biofeedback) so that you know when you are truly hungry, and when you learn to use food as a fuel for your life and not as a panacea to manage stress - you can finally lose weight for good.

We are not saying it’s easy. We are just saying that it’s absolutely possible!


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